Jungle Chapel Holy Ruth - Paul - Thomas  Ecuador

Misahualli - Pununo
Napo Province
Tel: (+593) 06 - 2890122
Quito (+593) 02 - 2462213

Jungle Lodge
Jungle Tours
Quichua Indians
Palm trees
Medicinal Plants
Jungle Chapel
Special Programs
Sasha Visit
Social Work

Galapagos Cruise
Hotel Ecuador

Jungle Chapel Santa Ruth Paul and Thomas Chapel Holy Ruth Paul and Thomas

The Chapel Santa Ruth - Paul and Thomas is part of the Jungle Lodge El Jardin Aleman in the Napo Province, Ecuador.  Service is the last friday every month at 07.30 pm, visited by 40 - 70 Indigenous living arround the Lodge

Inside look Chapel Santa Ruth paul and Thomas
Inside look

Service in the chapel Santa Ruth Paul and Thomas
Service in the Chapel Holy Ruth Paul and Thomas

 Holy Ruth
Holy Ruth

       Holy Paul
                Holy Paul

Holy Thomas of Aquin
         Holy Thomas

Virgen Maria
        Virgen Mary

The Chapel is built with local materials in rustical stil. All the statues a hand carving made in San Antonio de Ibara by the Teran family.